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The ComBricks PROFIBUS DP slave module has considerable added value for the installation. It is the only available device with a powerful 3-in-1 functionality. PROFIBUS DP slave device: - ProfiTrace busmonitor - Modular repeater The slave device enables the largest multiple cross gateways between PROFINET and PROFIBUS modules which are placed in the backplane. Simultaneously it permanently monitors the segment/network and acts as a repeater when it is used in combination with other communication modules. Delivered including backplane socket.
Power module to provide additional power to the backplane in case the power supply of the Head Station is no longer sufficient. Multiple power modules can work in parallel and their currents add up. They can also be used as redundant power point. Delivered including backplane socket.
Standard 4 channel relay module with normally on and normally closed connectors. Can be controlled by the web server DP slave or PROFINET IO device. Suitable for 5A – 230 VAC. Delivered including backplane socket.