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Basic features: - Suitable for up to 30 km singlemode cable - Long cable distances - Galvanic isolation between devices and segments - Suitable for point-to-point, star, bus, & ring topologies - EKS, Other PROCENTEC Ring Products Compatible Delivered including backplane socket.
Basic features: - Suitable for up to 5 km multimode cable - Long cable distances - Galvanic isolation between devices and segments - Suitable for point-to-point, star, bus, & ring topologies - EKS, Other PROCENTEC Ring Products Compatible Delivered including backplane socket.
Basic features: - Suitable for up to 3 km multimode cable - Long cable distances - Galvanic isolation between devices and segments - Suitable for point-to-point, star and bus topologies - NOT COMPATIBLE WITH RING MODULE Delivered including backplane socket.