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ProfiCore Ultra Standard set in blue carrying case including: - ProfiTrace 2 software (30020) - ScopeWare licence (23010) - Tap Connector 2 for connection to your DP network (13020) - ProfiCore Ultra user manual
ProfiCore Ultra Plus set in blue carrying case including: - ProfiTrace 2 software (30020) - ScopeWare licence (23010) - Topology Scan licence (26010) - Tap Connector 2 for connection to your DP network (13020) - ProfiCore Ultra user manual
ProfiCore Ultra Pro set in blue carrying case including: - ProfiTrace 2 software (30020) - ScopeWare licence (23010) - ProfiCaptain 2 licence (22020) - Topology Scan licence (26010) - PA Probe Ultra for measuring in PA networks (14020) - Tap Connector 2 for connection to your DP network (13020) - OPC software (101-00231B) - ProfiCore Ultra user manual